2011年4月30日 星期六

HongKong education problem

I think the main problem for hkep is to follow which standard.Before we are using englands one but now we return back to china, we now use chinas one.However, i dont know why we dont change the system earlier instead of 10 years and more later.But i think it would be fine after the system is changed.
for the solution, i hope china government can assign or exchange with the offical in hk.Therefore they can share the ideas.Since we found that students in china are very strong in calculation and science. I think the method used in china may help in hk also

2011年2月22日 星期二

I project

this is a very interesting i which is basicly for shota to use
if u dont know wad is shota go google search :)
in anime there is a very famous call boku no pico
those shota(!?) r using boku

totally for ladies
i remember in clannad2 last epi
fuko : i(watashi) am already mature enough
however this lead to her sister shock
if u havent see clannad b4
go try watch watch
quite funny and interesting
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA4OTMwNDAw.html(16:00 begin)

its use in a pair
wareware > means we
in gundam seed our ever honor pink evil lady tell this worlds ppl
wareware ha moto durandaru gichowu  ..

washi ha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqbF5wULBYQ&feature=related
no matter many times i see i cry

so y there are so many topics related to gundam?

2011年2月2日 星期三


This is the place that i mostly want to go. It is a major shopping area of anime!!! I do believe that most of the people who like anime would go there for shopping games and other souvenirs !

2011年1月26日 星期三

testing passage

We can see that kairoborakuta is use in katakana. Very obvious to to emphasized something. Using to catch those people who are interested in japan cosmetics.